Get to know about Cart & Cook

The idea and concept of Cart & Cook evolved through the first-hand challenges faced by a group of restauranteurs. The cost of goods, overheads, and the like were making it tough for the HORECA owners to generate profits. Productivity & footfall was less, while the costs were getting higher by the day. On the other side, supplier's insecurity was heightened due to the pandemic. Hence to strike a balance between both parties Cart & Cook was formed.

Cart & Cook aims to help HORECA avail of the competitive prices yet high-quality goods & services while securing the interest of suppliers.


Our Founders

Mohammed Imad

Co-Founder & CIO at Cart & Cook

"We have always believed business automation and digitization are the only way forward for any industry to survive & grow. HORECA requires an integrated single platform to manage all its operations efficiently. It was with this aspiration of reviving the F&B industry that Cart & Cook was formed".

Shahran Bin Ahmed

Co-Founder & CEO at Cart & Cook

"As a family restauranteur for generations, we have never seen such a dramatic market shift of customer dependencies on aggregators. It became incumbent for the HORECA industry to get organized with clear business visibility to face the upcoming threats by digitizing their businesses. Cart & Cook aims to become a platform for HORECA owned by HORECA for all their needs".

Adil Shakoor

Co-Founder & COO at Cart & Cook

"HORECA is a heavy asset-based model with huge investments being injected into interiors & infrastructure. These assets get worn out by time and require regular maintenance. The majority of stand-alone HORECA Owners often avoid this expense due to heavy maintenance costs and awaits until instructed by inspection authorities. With on-call service & economical price, the HORECA can avoid major repair and maintenance costs. Cart & Cook alongside products, strive to offer hassle-free services required by HORECA."